الاثنين, نوفمبر 09, 2015

communication 3 - المحاضرة الأولي لدكتور محمد مهنا

الترم السادس
communication 3
المحاضرة الأولي
د.محمد مهنا

المحاضرة الأولي 

The definitions of communication:-

What is the communication?

There are many definitions for the communication, each definition concerns about an important factor or side in the com. process.

We have six definitions, we’ll take all of them and the main aspect or the important side or factor that each definition concerns about.

(1)The com. is a tool that makes societies possible and by its nature, chiefly distinguishes human from other societies. 
  (It concerns about the role of com. to distinguish the human society.)

(2)The com. is the transmission of information, ideas, emotions, skills through the use of symbols, words, pictures, figures and graphs.

(It concerns about the transmission of a message.)

(3)Com. is the process of transmitting ideas, information, attitudes from the source to a receiver for the purpose of influencing with intent. 

(It concerns about the relation between the source and the receiver and the aim of influencing).

(4)The com. is all those planned or unplanned processes through which one person influences the behaviour of other persons.

(It concerns about the behavioural consequences of the com. as an effective process).

(5)Com. is the mechanism through which human relations exist and develop all the symbols of the mind, together with the means of conveying them through space and preserving them in time.

(It concerns about the role of com. to develop the symbols or the ideas in our mind).

(6) The com. is the basis of all that we call social in the functioning of the living organism.

(It concerns about the role of com. in all our functions).

Factors in the definition:

v Process: عملية 

يشير مفهوم كلمة عملية إلى الحركة والتطور

(1) Dynamic rather than static.

(2) Continuously changes.

(3) Has no specific beginning or specific end.

(4) We can notice (affect and effect relation) between all the aspects of com. process.

v Interaction: التفاعل 

يشير مفهوم كلمة التفاعل إلى:

(1) Process of linking between the source or the sender and the receivers of the message.

(2) So changes in any set of forces /aspect affect the operation of all other processes to produce a unique and total effect.

v Social context: السياق المجتمعى 

يشير مفهوم كلمة السياق المجتمعي إلى :-

-The effects which distinguish the society from the other , country from the other, or the same country in a specific time and other time .


-ALL the various groups cover the situations in whish information is transmitted from reference group .

First of all, we must know that the com process itself is more complicated than any picture or description of it so there are many attempts to develop models of the process, and of course, these models are different from each other. 

Figure 1: 

This figure described the com. By concerning about some ingredients which are: Source- Encoder- Message- decoder- Destination and feedback. 

Most of the researchers call our attention to 7 elements in the com. Process: 

Source, Message, channel, receiver, effects, feedback and noise. 

1- Source/ Encoder: 

The source always has ideas, needs, intentions, information and a purpose for communicating which he translates into a code. 

There are at least four kinds of factors within the source, which can increase the fidelity in com. these are: 

- Com. Skills 

- Attitude. 

- Knowledge level. 

- Socio- Cultural system. 

2- Receiver/ Decoder: 

The receiver- decoder is an important ingredient in our model. 

If the source doesn’t reach the receiver with his message, he might as well have talked to himself. 

The receiver always has to be kept in mind when the source makes decisions concerning the different Com. variables. 

We cam say that the relationship between the skill level of the source and the receiver is a vital determinant of com. fidelity.
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