الاثنين, ديسمبر 22, 2014

د. سهير عثمان عبد الحليم : communication 2 ( المحاضرة الثالثة )

communication 2
المحاضرة الثالثة
للدكتورة سهير عثمان عبد الحليم

Maslow’s Pyramid

ملحوظة الاجابة علي الاسئلة بالانجليزية وليس العربية وكتابتنا هنا بالعربي للتوضيح فقط بالنجاح والتوفيق بأذن الله 
سيتم نشر الكلمات والاسئلة التي قالت عنها الدكتورة سهير عثمان فور نزولها بأذن الله علي موقع المركز 

}Basic Needs
}On the bottom level are the strongest needs we have “basic needs”.
}It is possible to satisfy the hunger need in part by other activities such as drinking water or smoking cigarettes.
}  Until basic needs are met, we cannot concern ourselves with other, higher needs.
}  They are too strong to be forgotten in favor of other needs.
 قاعدة الهرم تمثل الاحتياجات الاساسية والتي يجب أشباعها أنك تأكل وتشرب وتعيش متوازن 
 Security needs
}The second level of Maslow’s pyramid contains our needs connected with security and safety.
}  If the first set of needs is relatively gratification, then there emerges a new set categorized roughly as safety and security needs.
}If we feel that our job may end shortly, we have a strong need to get income security.
}  We might want to get another more secure job, or we might want to save money for hard times.
اذا تم اشباع المستوي الأول بشكل نسبي يظهر المستوي الثاني الاحتياج الي الأمن والأمان وذكرت مثالاً في حالة شعورك بفقدان وظيفتك فأنك تسعي لتأمين نفسك في هذه الأوقات ( طلع اللي تحت البلاطة ) 
Belonging Needs
}The third level of needs are belonging needs.
} We become aware of them once our security and safety needs are satisfied.
} Usually the individual seeks groups with which to fill this need.
}We continue to join groups throughout our lives, for this need is also a reemerging one.

وفي المستوي الثالث الحاجة الي الانتماء لان الفرد يسعي دائماً ان يكون في جماعة ويظل طوال حياته يسعي الي الانتماء 
Love and esteem needs
}If the belonging needs are satisfied, we will start wanting other needs. 
}This is level four of Maslow’s model, the need for love and esteem.
}As human beings we want to be wanted and valued.  We are happy when our families understand and admire the things we do.
}  However, this need is never fully satisfied, and we try to seek other circumstances in which we can achieve status and rank that will help meet our need for love and esteem by others.

 الاحتياج للحب والأحترام في هذا المستوي يحتاج الأنسان ان يقدر ويفهم ونكون سعداء عندما يعجب الأهل والأصدقاء بما نقوم به وفي ظروف آخري قد نبحث عن من يقدمونا ذلك الا انه لايتم اشباعها وهي توازنات 

Self Actualization
}Although this need is weaker than the other need levels, yet in some cases lower needs are displaced to fulfill the need for self-actualization.
}  Some artists have gone cold and hungry just so they could continue painting or composing music.
}  These persons define their self-actualization level as a basic need. 
}To those artists, creative activity is as basic as breathing or eating or sleeping. 
}Some of these needs are truth, goodness, beauty, individuality, perfection, and justice.

 الاحتياج للحب والأحترام في هذا المستوي يحتاج الأنسان ان يقدر ويفهم ونكون سعداء عندما يعجب الأهل والأصدقاء بما نقوم به وفي ظروف آخري قد نبحث عن من يقدمونا ذلك الا انه لايتم اشباعها وهي توازنات 
سؤال هرم ماسلو ( كتابة قصيرة عن الهرم من الأفضل رسم الهرم وكتابة سطر تحت كل احتياج من الاحتياجات الخمسة ) طبعا بالانجليزية 

الجزء الثاني من المحاضرة 

 Listening Skills  مهارات الإنصات
Reading Skills     مهارات القراءة

 Listening Skills
اهمية الإنصات الفعال
The importance of Active Listening :
 Means the search for the real meaning of the message ,and we can focus on four listening categories (Types of listening ) :
 هناك 4 انواع من الإنصات
1. Selective Listening (e.g. TV) .  
2. Comprehensive Listening (e.g. Lecture) . 
3. Critical Listening (e.g. for analysis of speech) .
4. Appreciative Listening (e.g. music) .

Types of listening

Selective Listening (e.g. TV) : الإنصات الانتقائي
When you prepare yourself to select certain topics of your interest to concentrate in listening to it avoiding other topics of less interest .

Comprehensive Listening (e.g. Lecture) : الإنصات الشامل 
 This refers to listening with concentration to information, opinion, emotions and feelings .
 The comprehensive listening includes listening to verbal and watching non-verbal clues of the presentation .

Critical Listening (e.g. for analysis of speech)  الإنصات النقدي 
This refers to listening with analyzing to the presentation in order to conclude positive negative aspects of the presentation .

Appreciative Listening (e.g. music) : الإنصات بتقدير
This type of listening is linked to type of information and the credibility of the communicator where you appreciate the kind of information and the communicative skills of the communicator.

وانه في حالة السؤال عن هذا الجزء تكتب تحت كل نوع سطر واحد اجابة مختصر ( تشمل المضمون )

Guide to Good Listening :
دليل الأرشاد للانصات الجيد
1- Find area of interest .
2-  Judge content, not delivery .
3- Control Yourself .
4- Listen for ideas . 
5- Be flexible .
6- Work at listening .
7- Resist distractions .
8- Keep your mind open

وهناك 8 عناصر وذكرت عند الاجابة علي هذا السؤال يجب كتابة 5 عناصر علي الأقل حتي تأخذ الدرجة كاملة
Reading Skills
Reading is:
وفيما يخص مهارات القراءة قالت انه يجب ان نفرق بين المراحل والمستويات لأنها وجدت اننا لا نفرق بينهم 

"A process in which you use your different skills and stages to achieve an understanding of the whole".
Reading can teach you how to predict new ideas, activate existing knowledge ,relate old information with new, form a main idea and make inferences . 
 هناك ثلاث مراحل ( قبل - أثناء - بعد ) القراءة
Stages of Reading

Before reading : Preview to find out what the material is about, what you already know about the topic, and what you need to find out while reading .

During reading : Anticipate upcoming information, visualize and integrate old and new knowledge, and assess your own understanding in order to make adjustments .

After reading : Recall and react to what you have learned

Levels of Reading

مستويات القراءة  ( الحرفية - التفسيرية - التطبيقية )

What did the author say ?
These are the details about the facts, and the ideas clearly stated within the material .
This is the beginning level of reading .
 You might be able to answer detailed questions but not the overall meaning of the passage .

Interpretive :
 What did the author mean by what was said ?
To answer you must interpret the facts along with the author attitude, using meaning to make assumptions and draw conclusions .
At this level, you are considering both what is stated and what is not stated in order to figure out what the author wants to say .
Applied :
How does the author message apply to other reflection and critical thinking?
These questions are called for reaction .

وسيتم نشر الأسئلة والكلمات حال تنزيلها بأذن الله بالتوفيق والنجاح للجميع 
هل أعجبك الموضوع ؟

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