الأربعاء, يونيو 15, 2016

عاجل - نموذج الامتحان الجديد ( البابل شيت ) لمادة Communication 3 جزء الدكتور محمد مهني

نقدم لكم نماذج للتدريب علي أسئلة الامتحان الجديدة بنظام البابل شيت لمادة Communication 3 جزء الدكتور محمد مهني والتي تم رفعها علي صفحة الطلاب بموقع المركز ( نماذج للتدريب فقط ) كل الشكر للزميل عبد الله مصطفي

Answer these questions:

1 –discuss the purposes of communicayion
الإجابة : تلخيص من ص 60 الى ص63 

2 – explain the bullet theory 
الإجابة: يكفى الموجود فى الملخص ص 108 

3 – mention the ingredients of S.R.model
الإجابة ص 96

4 -discuss the two- step flow model
الإجابة: يكفى الموجودة فى الملخص ص 109

5 –give a brief account on “how did communication originate?
الإجابة : تلخيص من ص 19 الى ص25

6 –what are the elements of the communication model
الإجابة من ص 65 الى ص 66

7 –discuss the contagion effect of mass media.
الإجابة: تلخيص من ص 81 الى ص 83

8 – explain the following terms :
A Page – feedback

الإجابة : تلخيص من ص 64 الى ص 66
B – frame of reference

الإجابة: تلخيص من ص 44 الى ص 46

Underline the correct answer between brackets:

1- The Egyptians discovered durable paper in (2500 B.C – 3000 B.C – 3500 B.C)

2- The Egyptians invented papyrus papers about (3000 B.C – 2500 B.C – 4000 B.C)

3- In 4000 B.C Egyptians were recording (on papers - stones) the political events

4- Written Comm. took place during the 15th century with the invention of the (printing press – telegraph – radio transmission)

5- Printing was first introduced in (Egypt – England - france) in 1400s 

6- Film began at the end of (14th – 19th – 18th ) century

7- Telematic media gradually began to appear during (1980s – 1990s – 1970s) 

8- The first mechanistic S.R. theory has given colorful names to the (hypodermic needle theory – multi-step flow model)

9- Semitic noise is (channel noise – difficulty of words – electro-magnetic disturbances)

10 -The decoder is (the receiver – the communicator – the message)

Put correct or false (√ or X) against each sentence:

1- In 1949 the mathematical theory of Comm. by Claude.E. Shanon and Warren Weaver was published

2- Berelson and Stainer define comm. as a tool that make societies possible

3- The very notion of process suggests that the components of interactions are static rather than dynamic in nature

4- All communication is interactional

5- The source is a decoder of the message

6- Reading and listening are considered encoding skills 

7- The communicator attitude toward himself affects the way he will react

8- The communication skills of the receiver are important to enable him to encode the message

9- The message is a response that the source transmits

10- Message code is structured in symbols

11- Meanings are not relative or subjective

12- Meanings are found in messages

13- The receiver filters the message in terms of frame of reference

14- Comm. is a process 

15- Face to face comm. facilitate feedback

16- Mass comm. facilitate feedback

17- Channel permanency is the frequency and extent to which a channel is utilized

18- Channel multiplicative power means the channel potential for covering targeted geographical area with speed and timeless

19- Formal channels represent the official line of comm.

20- Comm. effects are changes in communicators behavior that occur as a result of the transmission of a message

21- Feedback is a response by the source to the receiver

22- Semantic noise occurs when a message is misunderstood

23- Comm. behavior becomes habitual

24- People come to affect with intent

25- The image of mass society means the intellectual heritage from the 14th century

26- The hypodermic needle theory – there are many intervening variable between the source and the receiver of the message

27- In the bullet theory , there are no intervening factors between the source and the receiver

28- In two step flow model the message is transferred directly from the source to the receiver

29- The two step flow model takes into consideration the role of the different comm. channels at the various stages of the decision making process.

30- The opinion leaders have a much higher contact rate with the mass media

31- “The media is not all powerful” is one of the basic factors in one step flow model.

32- Multi-step flow model specifies a particular number of steps to transmit the message

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