السبت, ديسمبر 27, 2014

communication 2 - المحاضرة الرابعة لدكتورة سماح المحمدي

communication 2 
المحاضرة الرابعة
دكتورة سماح المحمدي

معلومات عن المحاضرة بالعربي ثم المحاضرة كاملة مع العلم ان الاجابة في الامتحان بالانجليزية

قالت الدكتورة سماح انها تقرأ هي والدكتورة سهير عثمان ورقة الاجابة وبلاش اغاني من الأفضل ان تميز العناصر الاساسية بلون مختلف بحيث تكون واضحة تماما و يفضل ان تكون في جميع المواد علي ان تحتوي الاجابات علي امثلة

وان الجزء الخاص بها موجود في الكتاب وان لها 3 محاضرات واننا سنجدها في محاضرات المركز بأسم الدكتورة إيناس ابو يوسف مشددة ان علينا الاعتماد علي هذه المحاضرات ولا نلتفت لاي مكان آخر
تحدثت عن   The mind as a decoder العقل البشري القائم بفك الترميز (كمتلقي
فالعقل البشري يقوم بإستقبال المعلومات وتفسيرها وتخزينها وتنظيمها حتى يمكن استخدامها في المستقبل كأساس للسلوك.

1.External stimuli وتحدثت عن المؤثرات الخارجية
2.Sensory Impulse المؤثرات الحسية
3.Physical sensations الأحاسيس المادية
4.Perception الإدراك Perception = decoding
5.Knowledge Formation تكوين المعرفة
6.Emotional Feeling الشعور العاطفي أو التأثير 
7.The Rational products of perceptions المعتقدات العقليةRational =Beliefs (
8.The Emotional products of perceptions: Attitudes: النزعات العاطفية والاتجاهات هي منتج عاطفي قائم علي المشاعر  ( Emotional = Attitudes

تفاصيل المحاضرة
The mind as a decoder 

-   The human mind has huge capacity for receiving, processing and storing great quantities of information, and for organizing and later using this information as a basis for behavior.

-    When we receive a message our minds takes the following steps in order to help us receive,understand and make use of these messages.
The receiving process functions as follows

1.External stimuli:

-   Events taking place outside the body are signaled to the body by one of the five senses of sight, sound. taste. smell and touch.  
-   This causes the sensory organ  to send messages to the brain via the system of nerves

2.Sensory Impulses:
-   The message sent by the sensory organ (ear, eye, etc.) is a sensory impulse (somewhat like a small electrical current).

-   Thus, a message received from outside the body is first encoded as nerve impulses before it is decoded.

3.Physical sensations:
-   The mind converts the impulses into physical sensations of sight, sound, taste, smell and touch.

-    These physical sensations are the raw data with which the mind begins its functioning.

4.Perception: Perception = decoding
-   The mind interprets the physical sensation into meanings depending on the past experience. This process of interception is called "Perception". it is the "decoding".

-   The mind organize incoming information, giving it pattern, relation and meaning. In doing so it tends o select, or emphasis certain aspects of the new information and to pass over to others.

-    This explains why messages sometimes are decoded to contain meaning which the sender didn’t intend

5.Knowledge Formation:
Once an incoming sensation is given meaning, the mind then begins to classify it, to relate it with information already stored, and then either to store or forget the new information.

 The mind may store information as:

1.additional confirmation of knowledge of belief already held,

2.or an additional dimension,

3.or a new information it may change the beliefs already held

6.Emotional Feeling:
Perceptions in our minds not only arrive at knowledge, beliefs but at the same thing they arouse emotions.

These emotions may be pleasure of displeasure, love, hate, desire, fear, anger. the emotional state is called "affect".

7.The Rational products of perceptions: Rational =Beliefs )

Beliefs are the end product of perceptions process. A person may have a great number and variety of different beliefs about each object or person in his environment. The total of these beliefs is called his "Knowledge" of the object.

These beliefs didn’t arrive quickly, but as a result of receiving, perceiving and information process of many different messages about the same object, covering a period of time.

Belief is classified as:
a) Informational beliefs:
Beliefs formed on the basis of communication messages. These kind of beliefs are very easy to change

b) Descriptive beliefs:
Beliefs based on direct observation (seeing, hearing etc.) of the object by the person himself.  These kind of beliefs are harder to change because the person experienced them himself

c) Internal beliefs:
Beliefs arrived by rational processing based on past experiences (Stored as descriptive beliefs) using logic. They are the hardest to change

8.The Emotional products of perceptions: Attitudes:  Emotional = Attitudes ) 

The attitude can be underlined as the incoming emotional component of perceptions that man stores. These stable emotional patterns or tendencies gradually develop through inter-action with the outside world. These emotional stances are built-up from repeated processing of messages from outside the body.


§Attitudes are the key measure of affects. The Positive - negative emotional reaction is called out attitude towards the object.

§The scale of attitude varies from positive, neutral, or negative affect with respect to something. We will talk about attitudes in detail later.

§Human Begins tend to have an attitude with respect to particularly everything in their environment. They may be completely neutral about things that are unfamiliar or unimportant to them, but if something is important, they have an attitude towards it.

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